Wintermann 350 Pro ⬞

Wintermann®  350 Pro is a small, state-of-the-art, inexpensive system for spraying polyurethane foam. Equipped with lightweight heating hoses, recirculation system, lubrication module and a small, modern, handy spray gun.

Wintermann®  350 Pro is an excellent alternative to the large, very expensive spray machines.

Wintermann 350 Pro ⬞ - Small and powerfull ⬞

Ask for the price (AVAILABLE_WORLDWIDE ⬞)

The system for foaming and spraying

Wintermann®  350 Pro is a small, state-of-the-art, inexpensive system for spraying polyurethane foam. Equipped with lightweight heating hoses, recirculation system, lubrication module and a small, modern, handy spray gun.

Wintermann®  350 Pro is an excellent alternative to the large, very expensive spray machines.

Small and powerfull

Wintermann® 350 Pro  can be used anywhere where there is not enough power to supply large equipment. With the optional power switch, the device can be powered from a three-phase or single-phase grid.

Foaming and spraying by Wintermann

The spray system, despite its small size, can be used when working on a building site and for insulating existing buildings (both inside and outside). It is manufactured and intended for use in small and medium companies. It does not require an expensive air dryer or a power generator.

Comprehensive Offer

Althought it is compact, the machine successfully sprays the majority of commercially available closed and open-cell foams. 

Manufacturers of foams distributed by us have carried out successful open-cell foam spray tests at a temperature close to 0°C. The heat output and design of the device are set so as to enable spraying polyurethane also in harsh environment.

We also prepare light commercial vehicles for comprehensive spray services.

Compact and powerfull

TBH Polska Sp. z o.o. is the exclusive distributor and service provider for Wintermann® trade mark in Europe.

In accordance with our company policy, we provide you with a free of charge training in the use of spraying and pouring equipment at our offce and a whole range of warranty and post-warranty benefits.

Compact and powerfull

Our company is a manufacturer of various CNC and spraying machines. The Wintermann® Raptor IV Gun, recirculation and parking systems and other components are also designed and manufactured by us.

We design and manufacture

We can design and manufacture equipment for special use or operating according to customer's design. 

We provide the opportunity to lease or buy equipment on credit as we cooperate with many renowned leasing companies.

Selected applications

  • Dosing of liquid 1:1
  • Polyurethane foaming
  • Manufacture of polyurethane products
  • Injection moulding
  • Insulating homes
  • Insulation of cold storage facilities, livestock buildings, hangars
  • Insulation of basements, screeds, granaries, silos
  • Sealing roofs, spraying vehicle chassis
  • Other

Technical parameters

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Wintermann 350 Pro ⬞

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Over 25 years of Experience

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